Suggested Setup

Setting up a Walmart task group

Navigate to the task page and create a new task group by clicking the + near the top, Follow the prompt and enter either the SKU or OfferID based on the type of task you want to create (Refer to Modes)

Creating a Walmart task

Click the Add Task button and enter the Task Mode as well as details for the task. It is recommended to run at least a 1:1 proxy to task ratio on Walmart. If using Accounts it is recommended to run a 3:1 task to account ratio. Fluid will automatically assign a proxy and account to your task based off the account and proxy lists.

Starting/Stopping Walmart Tasks

Once tasks are created, select individual or all the tasks via the check boxes on the left side. Use the Start and Stop buttons respectively. You can also start/stop/edit tasks via the individual tasks in the actions column

Congrats, you successfully set up and ran Fluid's Walmart Module

If you have any questions please refer to Common Errors before opening a ticket in the Discord

Last updated