Tasks Page

This page is dedicated to creating, running, and stopping tasks.

Creating a Task Group

To create your first task you have the option to click the red 'Create' button OR the '+' button to the right of the 'Task Groups' text.

NOTE: The 'Create' button will not appear if you have groups/tasks actively made.

After clicking either the '+' or 'Create' button you will be prompted with this:

For creating your task group you have the option to name your task, select your desired site, and enter your desired input. For this guide we will be using the site Walmart as an example. Fill out the prompt and click 'Click Group'.

After Creating your Group you should see the following screen. On the very left you will have the sidebar. Next to the sidebar (to the right) you will have the Task Groups that you have created. And to the right of that you will have the selected group's tasks.

To create your tasks click 'Add Task'

Before creating your task make sure to review Proxy Page, Profile Page, Accounts Page. You will need to have these setup BEFORE creating your Task

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