Freebie Serversided Monitoring

Fluids also offers Amazon discounted items based on % off.

Setting up a Freebie Task Group

Create a task group for Amazon and in the "Key Words" textbox, enter the % you want off. (Ex. 50%). This input will attempt to checkout deals that are AT LEAST the entered % off.

Make sure you include the % sign in your input AFTER the number

Creating a Freebie task

Similar to serversided monitoring, this mode requires no active SKU or link to run. Instead, select the Freebie task mode as well as your minimum and MAXIMUM price.

Navigate to the advanced options tab and toggle Cloud/ServerSide Monitoring ON. Set your size and cart/checkout retries. We recommend 10 for both of these retries

Congratulations, your tasks are set up and ready to run. They should be at "waiting for ping" once started

Last updated