Proxy Page

This page is dedicated to adding your proxies.

If you have not setup and added proxies to fluid previously, your proxy page should look like this:

Similar to the Tasks Page, you can create a proxy group with either the '+' next to the "Proxy Groups" text in the top left OR by clicking the 'Create' button.

After clicking one of the buttons you will be prompted with the options to name your proxy group and select which site to set the proxies to.

NOTE: By setting the site, the proxy group will ONLY show up in the creation of that specific sites tasks.

NOTE: Default can be selected if you would like the proxy group to show up in ALL sites task creation.

Click 'Create Group'

If you would like to add proxies to your group click 'Add Proxy'

Paste your proxies into the box and click 'Add Proxy'. Make sure that it is ONE proxy per line.

After adding your proxies you can test them by selecting them individually or select all and then clicking the 'Test Proxy' button.

Last updated