Task Setup

This page outlines how to properly create tasks. Make sure to have created a Proxy, Profile and Account Group beforehand.

Navigate to the Tasks page using the sidebar

Create a group for your task(s)

Name your group and select Amazon as the site

Format the final input with your desired ASIN. If you have an offerID for the item, include a comma after your ASIN and paste the ID. ASIN,offerID or ASIN. Ex:

Create the group and then click add task

Select your desired mode (outlined in Amazon > Modes), and complete the other inputs. Example inputs:

Make sure to have created a Proxy and Account Group beforehand. YOU DO NOT NEED AN PROFILE, IT WILL USE THE INFO ON THE AMAZON ACCOUNT FOR CHECKOUT

Click "Add Task" button. If done correctly, you should see a new task pop-up into your group.

To start your task, click the left-most button or the "Play" button. Once pressed and with the account added correctly, you should have a successful checkout.

Last updated